About Us
Metsähallitus is a state-owned enterprise that produces environmental services for a diverse customer base; ranging from private individuals to major companies. We sustainably use, manage, and protect state-owned land and water areas and reconcile the different goals of owners, customers, and other stakeholders. In doing this, we ensure that everyone – including future generations – has the opportunity to enjoy nature and the value it creates.

Responsible development and the common good
We aim to safeguard the diversity of nature, curb climate change, create opportunities for sustainable enterprise, enhance regional vitality, promote natural wellbeing services, and make a contribution to state revenue.

Operations based on responsibility
Responsibility is part of our daily work. It is integrated with our strategy and with the management, implementation, and development of our operations. Our extensive Responsibility Programme sets the targets for responsibility in everything we do and specifies the actions required to achieve those targets.

We strive to achieve the best for nature, people and society
We work together, as one, drawing on the expertise and know-how of each respective unit.

We value cooperation and partnerships
Use of state-owned land and water areas requires partnerships and cooperation. Cooperation takes many different forms at Metsähallitus – from working collaboratively to information exchanges, trading, offering guidance, and through open interaction and communication.