Wildlife Service Finland contact information
Wildlife Service Finland operates in two regions and four teams.
Management of Wildlife Service Finland
Wildlife Service Finland is managed by the Director of Game and Fisheries together with a management group. The group consists of Game and Fisheries Managers, Lead Specialists and other key specialists.

Vesa Ruusila
Director, Game and Fisheries
Puh. +358408406877
Executive Assistant: Petra Kova tel. +358 40 6485293.
Pirjo Ilvesviita
Game and Fisheries Manager, northern areas
Puh. +358405182470
Jussi Viitanen
Game and Fisheries Manager, southern areas
Puh. +358406283017
Olli Urpanen
Lead Specialist, Fisheries
Puh. +358407205963
Ahti Putaala
Lead Specialist, Hunting
Puh. +358408272574
Henri Pelkonen
Manager, Game and Fisheries Supervision
Puh. +358401981623
Jari Haarala
Digital Services Manager
Puh. +358408052414
Hannaleena Aarnio
Development Manager
Puh. +358405792171
Aku Ahlholm
Head of Communications
Puh. +358404814890
Hunting and fishing teams are responsible for the planning of sustainable hunting and fishing as well as game and fisheries management in state-owned areas.
The wilderness supervision team consists of 11 regional game and fisheries wardens. Their work entails the supervision of fishing, hunting and off-road traffic.
The communications and customer service team maintains the Eräluvat.fi web service and edits customer magazines. The customer service sells permits and answers customers’ questions at the service number + 358 20 69 2424.