Board of Directors
The Government has appointed members to Metsähallitus Board of Directors for 1st of April 2022 – 31st of March 2025.
The Role of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors oversees and exercises control over Metsähallitus’ operation. It is responsible for the strategic management and governance of Metsähallitus and the proper organisation of its operations. The Board also ensures that Metsähallitus’ bookkeeping and financial management are organised appropriately and, in particular, that Metsähallitus complies with the decisions and orders of Parliament and other authorities.
If necessary, the Board of Directors issues instructions to the Director General.
The Board is supported by an audit committee as well as an appointments and rewards committee, which assist the Board by preparing its tasks and decisions.

Päivi Huotari
LL.M, trained on the bench

Sanna Paanukoski
Vice chairman
Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

Tanja Joona
Board member
Docent, University of Lapland

Keijo Kallunki
Board member, repsesentative of Metsähallitus' personnel
Specialist, Communications, Metsähallitus Forestry Ltd

Jussi Saukkonen
Board member
Chairman of Metsähallitus Audit Committee

Tuija Suur-Hamari
Board member
Managing Director, Wipak Oy

Ismo Tiainen
Board member
Director General, Ministerial Governance and International Affairs, Ministry of the Environment

Roope Uusitalo
Board member
Professor, University of Helsinki

Heli Lehtonen
Chief Administrative and Financial Officer, Metsähallitus