Metsähallitus Forestry Ltd – responsible management of natural resources

We are part of the bio economy and circular economy value chain. We produce timber for the needs of the forest and energy industry, sustainably and responsibly. Six million cubic metres of timber are harvested in state-owned, PECF-certified forests every year – accounting for approximately one half of the annual growth. We safeguard biodiversity in all forestry operations. 

A worker with an orange vest is sitting on a machine and smiling at camera. Photo: Mikko Törmänen.

In addition to forestry, the forests managed by Metsähallitus are used for nature tourism, reindeer husbandry and the natural products industry. They are also popular for hiking, hunting and picking berries, which makes these areas multiple-use forests in the true sense of the word.  

Contact Information

Here you can find contact information of Forestry Ltd

The forestry business is also guided by corporate social responsibility goals, which include preserving biodiversity, halting and migitating climate change, ensuring recreational access to forests, promoting employment, and securing favourable conditions for the practice of reindeer husbandry and Sámi traditions.

Forestry Ltd has an annual turnover of over EUR 400 million. The sale of timber accounts for almost 90% of Metsähallitus’ turnover. More than EUR 100 million of the profit is transferred to the state annually and thus used for the benefit of Finnish society.

We also create work for local entrepreneurs. The economic wellbeing generated by Metsähallitus is distributed around Finland in the form of wages, remunerations, taxes, purchases and dividends. 

Forestry Ltd’s key figures Year 2023 (2022)
Forestry’s turnover439,0 million € (393,0)
Sales / year6,5 million cubic meters (6,3)
Estimated value of CSR114,5 million € / year (107,8)
Forested areas3,2 million hectares, 2,75 million hectares not subject to restrictions
Forest growth / year12,6 million cubic meters
Employees (Dec 31)399 (369)
Contractors and their employees (man-year)1500

More statistics in Annual and Responsibility Report.