Notification of an organized event

State owned nature reserves or multiple-use forests may be used to organize events by making a nofication to Metsähallitus.

The notification must be made, for example, of orienteering and outdoor activities events, public tours as well as group camping or long-lasting camping in the same area. These events and activities need a landowner´s permission. The notification must be made in good time, at least two months before the event.

You may not advertise or publish the event on internet before the application has been processed. Please use the form below to make the notification:

It is important to make a notification also when it is not clear if the event or camping is appropriate for e.g. a nature reserve. It is also important to give as precise information about the event as possible, e.g. if there is a need for temporary constructions or the use of motorized vehicles on the terrain. Notifying does not justify non-compliance with the rules and regulations of the area.

The Metsähallitus Internet map services may be used to carry out checks whether the target area is situated within a protected area or a multiple-use forest if it is on state-owned lands.

Metsähallitus handles all event notifications. For some events, a notification alone is sufficient, but for others, a written consent from Metsähallitus is also required. Metsähallitus will contact you once the event notification has been processed. There is a fee for the landowner´s permission. Minimum price is 80 euros + VAT 25,5 % = 99,20 € (incl. VAT 25,5 %) and eventual extra work is charged 50 € (incl. VAT 25,5 %) / hour.

If the organizer of an event uses hiking constructions and routes of Metsähallitus and collects an attendance or admission fee, the organizer must pay Metsähallitus compensation for the use of the constructions, based on the number of participants daily. The sum is 1,25 euros/client/day + VAT 25,5 %.

Notifying the events in advance helps to avoid any overlap and congestion at the sites or possible risks to protected site values.

Permission or notification is not required

  • for organizing small public events (less than 10 participants).
  • for photography, if this does not result in harm or disturbance to the fauna and flora and, if a cache is not used. See more information on permits fot film procuctions.
  • for short-term camping (1–2 days) in designated areas or other activities permitted by everyman’s right.

The use of national parks is conducted by the rules and regulations given for the area. The everyman´s right can be restricted in some other nature reserves, too.

Our principle is to avoid waste everywhere. The organizers are responsible for the cleanliness of the event site and its surroundings during the event and must take the garbage away right after the event, at their own expense.

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