The personal business numbers of Metsähallitus personnel beginning with 0206 will be discontinued from the beginning of 2024. Moving forward, you can call our employees directly via their mobile phone numbers or our telephone exchange.
In the past, it has been possible to call an employee directly via their personal business number starting with 0206 or a mobile number. Both numbers have been routed to the same mobile phone. From the beginning of 2024, only mobile numbers will be available.
However, the Metsähallitus service phone lines starting with 0206 will remain unchanged, including the telephone exchange, the service numbers for nature centres and wilderness licences, and the emergency numbers for wildfires.
If you do not know the mobile phone number of the person you are looking for, please call the Metsähallitus telephone exchange at +358 (0) 206 39 4000. The price of the call is EUR 0.00/min + mobile phone charge specified in your mobile phone subscription or local network charge when using a landline phone. Our exchange is available on weekdays at 8.00–16.00.
You can find more detailed contact information and a personnel search on our website (contact us).