Press Releases

Published 24.1.2024

Nuuksio National Park turns 30 – the green oasis of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area invites you to celebrate

Published 20.12.2023

Employees’ 0206 business phone numbers will stop working from the beginning of 2024

Published 18.12.2023

Ninka Reittu’s storybook on responsible hiking Storm and Saana in the Forest published in English

Published 30.11.2023

The Metsähallitus website has been updated

Published 23.11.2023

Metsähallitus to launch the competitive tendering process for two offshore wind power projects

Published 22.11.2023

Metsähallitus and Vattenfall agree to expand Korsnäs Offshore Wind Farm project

Published 27.10.2023

Finland: Fisheries management fees have been purchased for nearly EUR 10 million

Published 12.10.2023

Finland’s largest ever EU funded LIFE biodiversity project started: new and more effective means to combat biodiversity loss

Published 11.9.2023

Denning of the critically endangered Arctic fox successful for the second consecutive year: at least 16 Arctic fox cubs were born in Finland in the summer

Published 8.9.2023

Popularity of national parks increasing: New and renovated sites attracting more visitors