Project Partners of Beetles LIFE

The project was coordinated by Metsähallitus, Parks & Wilflife Finland. There were four other partners involved in the project.
Parks & Wildlife Finland
Metsähallitus, National Parks Finland is responsible for ensuring that the project goes as planned. We are therefore responsible for its general management and the planning of communications across the entire project. Much of the restoration work is being undertaken on Natura 2000 sites for which National Parks Finland is responsible. National Parks Finland is experienced in the smooth implementation of dozens of LIFE projects.
Metsähallitus Forestry Ltd
Metsätalous Forestry Ltd is responsible for the work done in the country’s commercial forests and for restoration. Its work as part of the project is the restoration of the habitats of species in the sections between and outside the protected areas.
Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment for Häme
The importance of the Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment in the establishment of private areas of wildlife conservation is huge, and they also purchase areas that are suitable for the country as nature reserves. New areas will be bought as part of the project and they will be turned into private nature reserves.
Humak University of Applied Sciences
Students at Humak University of Applied Sciences have an important role to play in bringing the issue of LIFE nature conservation to the attention of the general public. Students plan pop-up and other events for the project as well as other ways to get more people to find out about beetles and their habitats.
University of Helsinki
The Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry at the University of Helsinki is a world-class actor in the use of lasers in modelling and measurements. Laser scanning is used to estimate the amount of dead wood on the ground, which makes it possible to improve surveys of the habitats of endangered species. Scanning is carried out by a research team, part of a centre of excellence in the field of laser scanning.
Last updated 23 November 2023