Products and Materials of the Saimaa Seal LIFE Project

The Saimaa Seal LIFE project produced many types of information on the Saimaa ringed seal to support the work of the authorities, to enrich the experience of nature tourists and to provide environmental education for schoolchildren. In addition to Metsähallitus Parks and Wildlife Finland, reports, brochures and other material were also published by the other project partners: University of Eastern Finland, Natural Resources Institute Finland, University of Turku, Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (South Savo and North Karelia), Finnish Federation for Recreational Fishing, The Finnish Association for Nature Conservation and WWF Finland.
You will find all the material published during the project on this page, grouped by the theme. The letter and number combination indicates the project’s action category.
- Outlined schedule and progress (pdf, 84 Kb)
Production of New Information
- (A1) MSc. Thesis, Korhonen Satu: Wintertime disturbances in the breeding habitat of Saimaa ringed seal (Phoca hispida saimensis) (University of Eastern Finland,, in Finnish)
- (A2) Poster: Core home range areas as an indicator of breeding time territoriality in female Saimaa ringed seals (University of Eastern Finland, pdf, 4 842 Kb)
- (A2) Scientific article Niemi Marja et al. (2019) Winter behavior of Saimaa ringed seals: Non-overlapping core areas as indicators of avoidance in breeding females (
- A2 PhD Thesis Auttila Miina (2015) The endangered Saimaa ringed seal in a changing climate: challenges for conservation and monitoring
- (A4) Manuscript abstracts:
- Assessment of the causes of death and survival rate (Natural Resources Institute Finland, pdf, 6 Kb, in Finnish)
- Forecasts on survival and population size (Natural Resources Institute Finland, pdf, 93 Kb, in Finnish)
- (D1) Water owner’s attitudes towards Saimaa ringed seal and it’s conservation (Natural Resources Institute,, in Finnish)
- (D3) Attitudes towards the Saimaa ringed seal and awareness of the conservation measures 2018 (Metsähallitus, pdf, 591 Kb, in Finnish)
- (D4) Development and present status of the attitudes and atmosphere for Saimaa ringed seal conservation (University of Turku,, pdf, 1683 Kb)
Prevention of the Human-induced Disturbance
- (A7) LS-lain 47 §:n tarkoittama erityisesti suojeltavan lajin säilymiselle tärkeä esiintymispaikka (South-Savo Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, pdf, 40 Kb)
- (C3) Maps of the most important breeding areas of the Saimaa ringed seal (Metsähallitus,, in Finnish)
- (C3) Most important breeding areas of the Saimaa ringed seal in Linnansaari National Park (Metsähallitus)
- (C3) Marking of the Protected Areas (Metsähallitus and South-Savo Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, pdf, 1166 Kb, in Finnish)
- (B1) Land Purchase, maps of purchased areas:
- Haapaselkä (South-Savo Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, pdf, 228 Kb)
- Katosselkä (South-Savo Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, pdf, 761 Kb)
- Lietvesi (South-Savo Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, pdf, 221 Kb)
- Pihlajavesi: Satama (South-Savo Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, pdf, 265 Kb)
- Pihlajavesi: Susiniemi (South-Savo Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, pdf, 254 Kb)
Reduction of the Deaths of Saimaa Ringed Seals Caused by Fishing
- Video: Seal-safe Fish trap (Metsähallitus,
- (E1) Seal-safe Recreational Fishing -brochure (The Finnish Federation of Recreational Fishing,, in Finnish)
- (E1) Seal-safe fish-trap -brochure (The Finnish Association of Nature Conservation,, pdf, 288 Kb, in Finnish)
- (E1) Fish right with a fish trap (The Finnish Association of Nature Conservation, pdf, 243 Kb)
- (E1) ЛОВИТЕ РЫБУ КАТИСКОЙ, БЕЗОПАСНОЙ ДЛЯ НЕРП (The Finnish Association of Nature Conservation, pdf, 281 Kb)
- (E4) The Diploma of Seal-friendly Fishing (WWF Finland,, in Finnish)
- (E5) Saimaalle kalaan? (Metsähallitus,
- (E5) Fishing in Saimaa? (Metsähallitus,
- (E5) Рыбалка на Сайме? (Metsähallitus,
- (C4) Annual report on control activities 2014 (Metsähallitus, pdf, 657 Kb, in Finnish)
- (C4) Annual report on control activities 2015 (Metsähallitus, pdf, 233 Kb, in Finnish)
- (C4) Annual report on control activities 2016 (Metsähallitus, pdf, 224 Kb, in Finnish)
- (C4) Annual report on control activities 2017 (Metsähallitus, pdf, 418 Kb, in Finnish)
- (C6) Seal-Safe Fish Trap Campaign 2018 (The Finnish Association of Nature Conservation, pdf, 1,320 Kb, in Finnish)
- (C6) Seal-Safe Fish Trap Campaign 2017 (The Finnish Association of Nature Conservation, pdf, 1,239 Kb, in Finnish)
- (C6) Seal-Safe Fish Trap Campaign 2016 (The Finnish Association of Nature Conservation, pdf, 1,448 Kb, in Finnish)
- (C6) Seal-Safe Fish Trap Campaign 2015 (The Finnish Association of Nature Conservation, pdf, 1,847 Kb, in Finnish)
- (C6) Seal-Safe Fish Trap Campaign 2014 (The Finnish Association of Nature Conservation, pdf, 1,468 Kb, in Finnish)
- (C6) Seal-Safe Fish Trap Campaign – Participant enquiry results (The Finnish Association of Nature Conservation, pdf, 755 Kb, in Finnish)
- (A3) Recreational fishing in Saimaa 2014-2015 (Natural Resources Institute Finland,, in Finnish)
Planning of the Management and Use of Protected Areas
- (A6) Rule and regulation of the Katosselkä-Tolvanselkä Conservation area (Metsähallitus,, in Finnish)
- (A6) Rule and regulation of the Suur-Saimaa and Lietvesi islands Conservation area (Metsähallitus,, in Finnish)
- (A6) Management plan for Joutenvesi-Pyyvesi Natura area (Metsähallitus,, in Finnish)
- (A6) Management plan for Orivesi-Pyhäselkä Natura area (Metsähallitus,, in Finnish)
- (A6) Site Condition Assessments:Hevonniemi (Metsähallitus, pdf, 237 Kb, in Finnish)
- Ilkonselkä (Metsähallitus, pdf, 214 Kb, in Finnish)
- Katosselkä-Tolvanselkä (Metsähallitus, pdf, 230 Kb, in Finnish)
- Lietvesi (Metsähallitus, pdf, 779 Kb, in Finnish)
- Luonteri (Metsähallitus, pdf, 757 Kb, in Finnish)
- Pihlajavesi (Metsähallitus, pdf, 809 Kb, in Finnish)
- (A6) Rule and regulation of the Joutenvesi Conservation area (Metsähallitus,, in Finnish)
- (A6) Rule and regulation of the Pihlajavesi Conservation area (Metsähallitus,, in Finnish)
- (A6) Rule and regulation of the Orivesi-Pyhäselkä Conservation area (Metsähallitus,, in Finnish)
Preparing for the Threats Posed by Climate Change
- (C2) New methods improve conservation and monitoring of the Saimaa ringed seal in a changing climate (Metsähallitus,, In Finnish with English summary)
- (C2) Auttila Miina: The endangered Saimaa ringed seal in a changing climate – challenges for conservation and monitoring (University of Eastern Finland,, pdf, 4074 Kb)
- (C2) Toimintasuunnitelma. Saimaannorpan pesimäolosuhteiden ennallistaminen muuttuvassa ilmastossa (WWF Suomi,, pdf, 791 Kb, in Finnish)
- (C2) Poster: Artificial lair structures to improve the breeding success of the endangered Saimaa ringed seal in a changing climate (University of Eastern Finland, Metsähallitus, pdf, 2 342 Kb)
Communication and Environmental Education
- Web Sites
- (E5) (Metsähallitus)
- (E5) (Metsähallitus, in Finnish)
- (E6) LIFE Saimaa Seal – Layman´s report (Metsähallitus,
- (E6) Saimaannorppa-LIFE – Layman´s report (Metsähallitus,, in Finnish)
- (E5) The endangered Saimaa ringed seal (Pusa hispida saimensis) (Metsähallitus,
- (E5) Uhanalainen saimaannorppa (Metsähallitus,, in Finnish)
- (E5) Находящаяся под угрозой исчезновения сайменская нерпа (Metsähallitus,, in Russian)
- (E5) Die vom Aussterben bedrohte Saimaa-Ringelrobbe (Metsähallitus, in German,
- (E5) La foca anillada de Saimaa (Metsähallitus, in Spanish,
- (E5) Video: How to avoid disturbance in Saimaa ringed seal breeding areas (Metsähallitus,, in Finnish)
- (E5) Video: The snow lairs are full of life (Metsähallitus,
- (E5) Esite: Näin turvaat saimaannorpan onnistuneen pesinnän (South Savo ELY-centre, 595 kt,, in Finnish)
- (E5) How to safeguard succesful breeding for Saimaa ringed seals (South Savo ELY-centre, 938 kt,
- (E5) Så här kan du trygga vikarens bofrid (South Savo ELY-centre, 958 kt,, in Swedish)
- (E5) So gewährleisten Sie eine gelungene Brut der Saimaa-Ringelrobbe (South Savo ELY-centre, 960 kt,, in German)
- (E5) Для того, чтобы не тревожить сайменскую нерпу в сезон размножения, действуйте следующим образом (South Savo ELY-centre, venäjänkielinen, 985 kt,, in Russian)
- (E5) Kun vesillä liikkuessasi havaitset norpan, toimi näin (South Savo ELY-centre,
- (E5) How to act if you notice a Saimaa ringed seal when moving on the water (South Savo ELY-centre,
- (E5) Gör så här när du färdas på vatten och ser en saimenvikare (South Savo ELY-centre,
- (E5) Wenn Sie sich auf den Gewässern bewegen und eine Robbe entdecken, gehen Sie folgendermaßen vor (South Savo ELY-centre,
- (E5) Если при перемещении по воде вы заметите нерпу, действуйте следующим образом (South Savo ELY-centre,
- (E7) Infoboards in Conservation areas (Metsähallitus, pdf, 2 811 Kb)
- (E7) Roll-ups (Metsähallitus, pdf, 449 Kb)
- (E3) Seal Education in MH (Metsähallitus, pdf, 1 409 Kb)
- (E1) Report of the Ringed Seal Ambassadors 2014 (The Finnish Association of Nature Conservation, pdf, 1 735 Kb, in Finnish)
- (E1) Report of the Ringed Seal Ambassadors 2015 (The Finnish Association of Nature Conservation, pdf, 466 Kb, in Finnish)
- (E3) “Norppatouhuja” – book for teachers and educators (The Finnish Association of Nature Conservation,, pdf, 1 653 Kb, in Finnish)
- (E3) Report of the School Ringed Seal Ambassadors 2016 (The Finnish Association of Nature Conservation, pdf, 2 243 Kb, in Finnish)
- (E3) Report of the School Ringed Seal Ambassadors 2017 (The Finnish Association of Nature Conservation, pdf, 2 284 Kb, in Finnish)
- (E3) Report of the School Ringed Seal Ambassadors 2018 (The Finnish Association of Nature Conservation, pdf, 2 342 Kb, in Finnish)
- (E3) Report of the Ringed Seal Summer Camp 2014 (The Finnish Association of Nature Conservation, pdf, 583 Kb, in Finnish)
- (E3) Report of the Ringed Seal Summer Camp 2015 (The Finnish Association of Nature Conservation, pdf, 894 Kb, in Finnish)
- (E3) Report of the Ringed Seal Summer Camp 2016 (The Finnish Association of Nature Conservation, pdf, 1 438 Kb, in Finnish)
- (E3) Report of the Ringed Seal Summer Camp 2017 (The Finnish Association of Nature Conservation, pdf, 1 205 Kb, in Finnish)
- (E3) Report of the Ringed Seal Summer Camp 2018 (The Finnish Association of Nature Conservation, pdf, 1,276 Kb, in Finnish)
- (E9) Travel report: Kurkijoki 2014 (The Finnish Association of Nature Conservation, pdf, 3 406 Kb, in Finnish)
- (E9) Travel reports 22.-24.5. and 9.-10.7.2015 (The Finnish Association of Nature Conservation, pdf, 2 480 Kb, in Finnish)
- (E9) Travel report: Kurkijoki 2016 (The Finnish Association of Nature Conservation, pdf, 1 916 Kb, in Finnish)
- (E9) Travel report: Lake Ladoga 2017 (The Finnish Association of Nature Conservation, pdf, 713 Kb, in Finnish)
- (E9) Travel report: Kurkijoki 2018 (The Finnish Association of Nature Conservation, pdf, 1573 Kb, in Finnish)
- (E3) The Seal Pup and the Snowman (WWF Finland,, pdf, 2 456 Kb, in Finnish)
- (E3) The Seal Pup and the Snowman – The Teachers Guide (WWF Finland,, pdf, 5 864 Kb, in Finnish)
Last updated 11 July 2024