Forest management and silviculture in Metsähallitus
The objective of management in multiple-use forests is sustainable forestry: in addition to profitable timber production, we safeguard forest ecosystem services as well as the health and well-being of the forest. By means of sound forest management, we can protect the carbon sinks in forests and enhance carbon sequestration.

Forest lands with mineral soils and mires formerly drained for forestry are at the centre of Metsähallitus’ forestry management. Low-productivity forest land is excluded from active management measures.
Sound management for healthy and biodiverse forests
Silviculture is based on optimising each site’s natural potential for producing timber. It is important to identify key site factors in terms of silviculture and to base decisions on management measures on them.
Silvicultural work must also be timed correctly in order to preserve the vitality of the growing stock. This makes it possible to grow viable stands of native tree species which are best suited to each site. Forest management based on site factors yields good economic returns, maintains biodiversity and habitats for game animals, creates a variety of landscapes and enables the multiple use of forests.
A viable forest binds carbon
Apt forest management measures suitable for the site and correct choices of tree species keep forests in a good condition and promote their growth. This allows them to bind carbon dioxide more effectively and produce wood for renewable raw material, which can replace fossil material based energy and other products.
Viable forests with a high level of biodiversity are a significant carbon sink and carbon storage and have a better ability to withstand storms and pests. Since 2017, Metsähallitus has been developing climate smart forestry, which guides forest management more effectively towards mitigating climate change.
The video explains how Metsähallitus plans and carries out forest management operations and what must be taken into account in this work (in Finnish).