Great potential in offshore wind power

Offshore wind power is an interesting form of renewable energy production. Thanks to the geology of the seabed and good wind conditions, our western sea areas are optimal for the production of offshore wind power. The production of offshore wind power is estimated to grow rapidly in the future. As technology develops, offshore wind turbines are larger than before and efficiently produce more fossil-free electricity.

Our contact persons for offshore wind projects

Otto Swanljung

Senior Vice President, Property Development and Renewables

Metsähallitus Property Development
Opastinsilta 12
00520 Helsinki

Puh. +358405601715

Executive Assistant: Helena Pallari, tel. +358503960011

Ville Koskimäki

Wind Power Project Development Manager

Metsähallitus Property Development
Veteraanikatu 9
90130 Oulu

Puh. +358405369582


Offshore wind power news from Finnish territorial waters

Operating model

We compete for projects on the international market.

Phases of the project development

Developing offshore wind power is a long process.


The development of offshore wind power is progressing in three projects, and in 2024 we will bring two more projects to the market.