EIA procedures for Korsnäs offshore wind power project under way
The environmental impact assessment (EIA) programmes for Vattenfall and Metsähallitus’ offshore wind power project in Korsnäs have been completed. One EIA procedure will be drawn up for the offshore wind farm and submarine cables, the other one for electricity transmission on the mainland. The participation and evaluation plan (OAS) for the wind power partial master plan is also currently on display.

The Korsnäs offshore wind farm consists of up to 150 wind turbines with a total height of up to 350 meters and a unit capacity of up to 25 MW. The distance between the power plants is estimated at 1-2 km. Electricity generated will be transmitted from the project area to the mainland through submarine cables installed on the seabed. One to two offshore substations will be built in the offshore wind farm area.
The electricity transmission to be built on the mainland includes an underground cable from the landing point of the submarine cables, a substation and the necessary high-voltage line solution.
The public event attracted around a hundred guests
The EIA programmes and OAS were presented at a public event organised in Korsnäs at the end of April, attended by about a hundred people. It was also possible to follow the event simultaneously in Teuva and participate in it remotely.
The Korsnäs project continues the dialogue in the local community and organises stakeholder events during the summer and autumn. These events will be communicated through local channels.
EIA and zoning work continues
Surveys related to EIA procedures and zoning will be continued beyond the summer season. The next stage in the EIA procedures is the impact assessment and the preparation of environmental impact assessment reports (EIA report). This work will begin in the autumn at the same time with the preparation of a draft plan, which is the next stage of the zoning process, .
Opinions and statements on the EIA programmes can be submitted to the South Ostrobothnia ELY Centre by 24 May 2024. The participation and evaluation plan will also be available until 24 May 2024. The municipality of Korsnäs compiles opinions and statements on the matter.
Further information on the websites of the Ministry of the Environment and the municipality of Korsnäs (material available in Finnish and Swedish only):
EIA for Korsnäs offshore wind farm and sea cable routes:
Korsnäs havsvindkraftspark och sjökabelsträckning, miljökonsekvensbedömning (MKB):
EIA for transmission of electricity to the mainland:
Elöverföring på fastlandet från Korsnäs havsvindkraftspark, miljökonsekvensbedömning (MBK):
https://www.ymparisto.fi/sv/medverka/miljokonsekvensbedomning/eloverforing-pa-fastlandet-fran-korsnas-havsvindkraftspark Material and announcement of the participation and evaluation plan:
Korsnäs havsbaserade vindkraftspark – Korsnäs kommun (korsnas.fi)