News and publications

Office open on Tuesdays

The Korsnäs project office serves both as a presentation space for the project and as a base for those working on the project. The office (Silverbergsvägen 23) is open on Tuesdays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., when one of our project experts is available to meet those interested in offshore wind power without an appointment.

Korsnäs Vind Café 8, 24.10.2024 at 17:30-20:00, wellcome!


The surveys for the offshore wind project will provide important new data on the project area


During the summer, more than 10 experts with training in fisheries, hydrobiology, limnology and research diving will be at sea, as well as engineers specializing in marine research and measurements. The teams have worked throughout the project area, including both the northern extension and the southern part, which has already been mapped in previous years. Nature surveys are carried out as part of the statutory environmental impact assessment, the EIA procedure and as part of the land use planning process. These studies will enable an impact assessment of the planned offshore wind energy project on the natural environment.

— The nature studies, which complement existing data, provide an important information base for the planning and impact assessment of the project. The results will be reported in the EIA report, making them available to both the authorities and the public, says Heini Passoja, Project Manager at Metsähallitus.

This summer, the nature surveys for the power transmission line alternatives on mainland will include work on the birdlife, vegetation and habitats in the area, for example, capercaillies have been surveyed. Offshore surveys include monitoring spring and autumn migration of birds and carrying out a resting bird census. Fisheries surveys will also continue.

— The surveys have been carried out in selected areas along the transmission lines in the early morning, starting just before sunrise. This is the time when the activity and hearing of the birds is at its peak and when they are most easily detected. The bird surveyors thank the locals for their friendly approach to the surveys, says Senior Consultant Ella Kilpeläinen, AFRY

— We have been able to conduct our surveys in good weather. We have only had one thunderstorm, which forced us to interrupt the surveys. There are no islands in the project area, so the waves can easily get high. The wind has been brisk all the time, and it has been rocking us quite well! says fisheries researcher Sauli Vatanen, Kala- ja vesitutkimus Oy.

A small wild duck in the water, opening its wings
“The bird counts will be carried out by boat around the project area, counting all the birds observed along the route. Birds are observed with binoculars and telescopes. The aim is to find out what birds are resting and feeding in the project area. Good weather conditions are required to carry out the survey, which cannot be done in rain and strong winds.” — Ella Kilpeläinen

Perch photographed underwater
“We are collecting a wide range of information on the fisheries in the area through multi-method research using echosounding, roe collection and test fishing with fishnets. The main target will be the Baltic herring spawn, while at the same time we will collect observations of the wider fish assemblage. This year there have been more perch out to sea due to a warm June. The survey years have been different due to different temperature trends. It is good for the nature surveys that we have data from the varying conditions,” — Sauli Vatanen

Bokbussen on tour 24. – 26.2024

We were able to participate in Korsnäs’s own “Suomi Areena” at Bokbussen on tour 24. -26.6.2024. We met local residents in beautiful summer weather and discussed societal issues. Thanks for the great discussions Mikko Ollikainen, Dennis Rundt, Marcus West, Rainer Bystedt, Peter Sjökvist and Korsnäs library for the great arrangements!

We will also be on the Bokbussen on tour 24. – 26.6.2024. Come meet and discuss with us!

December 11, 2023, the presentation day of the offshore wind power project attracted visitors
At the introduction day of the offshore wind farm, visitors were interested not only in the progress of the project but also in local business opportunities, as well as job roles and career prospects. Representatives from Metsähallitus and Vattenfall presented the Korsnäs project on November 22nd at the municipal library, which provided excellent facilities for the event.

22.11.2023 Metsähallitus and Vattenfall agree to expand Korsnäs Offshore Wind Farm project

Metsähallitus and Vattenfall have agreed to expand the Korsnäs Offshore Wind Farm project so that the new project area will allow for an increased capacity.

Vattenfall became a Metsähallitus project partner for the Korsnäs Offshore Wind Farm project in December 2022 when it won an extensive international tendering process. In connection with the transaction, a possible additional area was agreed on, which cannot be auctioned as an independent location. The parties have now agreed to use this optional area.

24.5.202 Vattenfall team visited the Vind Cafe event
The Vattenfal team introduced itself and we met schoolchildren, local residents and the business community to start working together with Metsähallitus on the project. With 1.3 GW, the project has an enormous opportunity to bring both a large amount of renewable energy to Finland, start up the industry’s development in the country and bring a number of new jobs to the area.

Many thanks for the warm welcome Korsnäs, see you again soon!

There are cloth bags and markers on the table. The picture also shows hands that are drawing on the bags.
Schoolchildren could draw and color their own canvas bags. Photo: Maria Mannfolk

Metsähallitus has reached an agreement with Vattenfall for the development and construction of Finland’s first offshore wind project in the open sea area. The wind farm – with a planning capacity of 1.3 GW and a potential annual production of 5 TWh – will be located at Korsnäs, on the west coast of the country. It will be operational in 2030s.

Read more in the media release!

You can watch the press conference below. By double-clicking the image, you can get it in full screen size.

3.11.2022 Seabed studies and the promotion of fisheries in discussions at October Vind Cafe in Korsnäs

Read more

3.11.2022 The wind in the Korsnäs project area is measured in two ways

Metsähallitus performs wind measurements in Bergö and Strömmingsbådan. The measurement results help in the location and production evaluation of wind power plants in the area of the planned park.

Lidar wind measuring device (left) on the lighthouse island of Strömmingsbådan. Photo: Vindteknikk
Lidar wind measuring device (left) on the lighthouse island of Strömmingsbådan. Photo: Vindteknikk

A Lidar measuring device was installed on the island of Strömmingsbådan last summer. The equipment includes a battery system that is charged with solar panels and an aggregate. The device and the batteries will remain on the island by themselves for the entire winter, as it is not possible to maintain the equipment on an island around 20 km from the mainland in all autumn and winter conditions.

The Lidar is a wind-measuring device the size of a washing machine that transmits low-power laser beams into the atmosphere. The device calculates the wind speed from back-reflection of light at up to 300 metres. The Lidar measures wind speeds at the height of the future wind turbine rotors.
In Bergö, wind measurements continue as planned with equipment installed in a mast that is over 170 metres tall. The measurements will continue for two years, after which the mast will be taken down.

11.10.2022 Metsähallitus studies underwater natural values in the planned Korsnäs offshore wind farm area
During the summer, Metsähallitus commissioned surveys of underwater plant life and wildlife off the coast of Korsnäs, in the area designated for an offshore wind farm. The surveys relate to the upcoming environmental impact assessment (EIA).

8.9.2022 Mobile library tour in Korsnäs focused on offshore wind power

We participated in the mobile library tour organized in Korsnäs in the summer, telling about the wind farm planned for the sea area.

1.7.2022 Bird surveys in the Korsnäs Offshore Wind Farm area will continue throughout the summer and autumn

The bird surveys, commissioned by Metsähallitus, in the Korsnäs future Offshore Wind Farm area, have not revealed any surprises.

16.6.2022 Timo Laakso to lead Metsähallitus’s offshore wind power project – Korsnäs wind farm has the capacity of a nuclear power plant

3.5.2022 Seabed soundings about to start off Korsnäs

The soundings will provide a wide range of information on seabed conditions. They will help to establish what kind of foundations will be needed for wind power plants and which routes are suitable for the electricity transmission cable.

Sounding vessel
Sounding vessel in frint of Helsinki. Picture: Toni Meriläinen / Luode Consulting Oy

11.4.2022 Metsähallitus to continue environmental studies for the Korsnäs Offshore Wind Farm during the spring

Metsähallitus will continue its environmental studies related to the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of the Korsnäs Offshore Wind Farm on land and at sea immediately after the ice has melted. Wind measurements on the island of Bergö in Maalahti will also be continued.

A new video of the mast raising shows the co-operation between special fitters and helicopters on an exceptionally high worksite. The video also shows local landscapes from a unique perspective.

15.3.2022 A new office has been opened
Metsähallitus’ new Korsnäs office serves as an information point for Finland’s first industrial-scale offshore wind farm, which Metsähallitus plans to establish in the sea area off Korsnäs, 15-30 km from the coastline.

The opening was attended by a wide range of stakeholders, and Christina Båssar, Mayor of Korsnäs, warmly welcomed Heidi Vest, who works in the office and office.

Upon completion, the Korsnäs Offshore Wind Farm project would increase Finland’s wind power production by 5,000 GWh per year.

The Korsnäs project will continue with extensive nature surveys in 2022.

14.3.2022 Korsnäs Offshore Wind Farm project would bring billions in tax revenue and accelerate the green transition
According to a report commissioned by Metsähallitus, the Korsnäs Offshore Wind Farm would bring billions in tax benefits to the Finnish population and employ thousands of people during its lifecycle. Procurements resulting from large investments would generate significant cash flows regionally and nationally.

2.2.2022 Heidi Vest appointed as Project Expert at Metsähallitus’ Offshore Wind Farm Project in Korsnäs
Heidi Vest (37) has been appointed as Project Expert for Metsähallitus’ offshore wind farm project, located 15-30 km from the coast of Korsnäs municipality, on the west coast of Finland. Heidi Vest has previously worked for Veja Mate offshore windfarm project in Germany and brings along valuable experience for the project. Prior to that she was employed by the Financial Services unit of the German truck manufacturer MAN. She has previous experience also from energy related industries.

She holds a Master degree in Social Science, has a strong international background and has recently moved back to Finland from Singapore. She will be heading the project office in Korsnäs and will be working also at Metsähallitus’ office in Vaasa.

Metsähallitus, the Finnish state-owned enterprise, operates both as a project developer and as an issuer and lessor of reservation and access rights contracts in the offshore wind farm project. Metsähallitus is currently looking for a partner whose expertise are in building and operating the wind power business once the project is completed in the late 2020s. The selection process to find the partner is estimated to be completed during 2022.

Korsnäs offshore wind project will be one of the first large-scale offshore wind farms in Finland. The estimated capacity of the wind farm (1,300 MW) corresponds to about half of Finland’s current wind power capacity (MW) at the end of 2020.

For additional information:
Heidi Vest, Project Expert, Korsnäs offshore wind farm project, Metsähallitus, tel. +358 40 167 6862 or

Finnish Metsähallitus launches partner selection for its 1.3 GW Korsnäs offshore wind power project

26.11.2021 Windmeasurement mast builds in Bergö
Metsähallitus is building a measurement mast to study wind conditions in Bergö, Maalahti. Both a crane and a helicopter will be needed to install the mast, which will reach up to a height of around 170 metres. The purpose of the measurements is to study wind conditions in the area, including the average wind speed, turbulence and variation in wind speeds at different heights. After some two years of measurements, the mast will be taken down.

Drone image of a construction site leveling the location of a wind measurement mast near the sea shore. Photo: Roni Lehti
Photo: Roni Lehti

19. November 2021
Metsähallitus is launching wind measurements for Korsnäs offshore wind farm
October 2021
Recruitment of a local Korsnäs project expert started
21. June 2021
Metsähallitus stakeholder magazine: Offshore wind farm project in Korsnäs is proceeding (in Finnish)
9. June 2021 
Environmental studies started in the Korsnäs offshore wind farm project area
Summer 2021
EIA, zoning and technical consultant selected: AFRY Finland Oy
November 2020
Municipality of Korsnäs approved Metsähallitus’ planning initiative for the offshore wind farm
16. November 2020
Metsähallitus submitted a planning initiative for the offshore wind farm to the municipality of Korsnäs


A video of the mast raising shows the co-operation between special fitters and helicopter on an exceptionally high worksite. The video also shows local landscapes from a unique perspective.

In the video below, we illustrate how the wind turbines would be visible in an illustrative sea. There is partially outdated information in this video, and it is currently being updated.

If you don’t see the video, you’ve probably disabled cookies. Allow cookies and clear your browser’s cache, and the video should appear.

Contact information

  • Project Leader Heini Passoja, Metsähallitus, puh. +358 50 370 7513,
  • Commercial matters, project sales and partner selection, Partner, Corporate Finance I Strategy & Transactions Kinga Charpentier, Ernst & Young Oy, +358 503 229 397,
  • Licensing and technical matters Karoliina Jaatinen, Affry, +358 40 6604 407,
  • Stakeholder issues, Anna Lehto, Metsähallitus, +358 40 191 2995,
  • Communication, Anna-Maria Länsimies, Metsähallitus, +358 40 358 2748 ,